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What is Concierge Physical Therapy?

It’s no secret that our healthcare model is a bit broken. Patients often have to wait weeks or months to gain access to providers—long enough for conditions to move from acute to chronic. The good news is that there are plenty of alternative practice models physical therapists are adopting in order to meet patients’ demands for high-quality, convenient care. Concierge physical therapy is one of those models; it’s becoming very popular. If you’re wondering what, exactly, concierge physical therapy is, then you’re in the right place! Let’s delve into the wonderful world of concierge physical therapy.

Concierge physical therapy is a healthcare model. Mobile physical therapy services are delivered in the comfort of the patient’s home, office, hotel room, gym or beach - wherever! It’s cash based and payments are also customized. Often concierge physical therapy is based on a subscription. Patients pay an annual or monthly fee to get unlimited physical therapy services until the end of their subscription. Another common option is a package deal, kind of like the ones you’d see at the local yoga studio or boutique gym. For example, a clinician might offer five or 10 visits for a set price, rather than an unlimited subscription package. Savvy providers will often construct packages around commonly seen conditions. Some might add benefits, such as annual checkups, unlimited phone support, patient portals, resources etc. Essentially, it’s up to the physical therapist who runs the practice to decide on the business and payment structure. But at its core, it seeks to create more personalized patient care.

The growth of the concierge trend is due in large part to the many benefits if affords providers and patients alike.

Patient Benefits include: Personalized care, cost predictability and unmatched convenience

There are numerous benefits to patients who sign up for concierge PT. For instance, if a patient wants PT intervention in preparation for an upcoming surgery, insurance may or may not cover those prehabilitation (sometimes called prehab) services. Concierge PT eliminates the stress of worrying about insurance coverage, enabling patients to receive all sorts of pre-op interventions—including strengthening, bed mobility exercises, patient education, and environmental preparations.Plus, concierge models often enable patients to schedule appointments at favorable treatment times, and those patients typically receive: 100% one-on-one care, treatment sessions long enough to see results quickly, easy scheduling, and the ability to quickly reach providers with questions.

This model is especially appealing for patients who enjoy on-demand care—as well as those who have become frustrated by insurance-based limitations or have conditions that frequently require new prescriptions to address new body parts. For those with

high-deductible insurance plans or plans with very little PT coverage, concierge services can sometimes wind up costing the same or—in a handful of cases—even less than going through insurance.

And, for patients like the ones who see Dr. Bogan, the luxury of a mobile therapist meeting them at their own homes is priceless. Not only is the care attentive and private, but it also eliminates the need for them to make the (sometimes painful) commute to attend PT at a traditional clinic.

Clearly, concierge PT is growing quickly, and it has benefits beyond those affecting providers and patients alone. When patients no longer worry about long wait times or high copays, they are more likely to seek care early—when they first notice a problem. This not only saves tons of money on more invasive treatments down the line, but also spares patients from a lot of unnecessary suffering.

If you are looking for concierge physical therapy, look no further than Modern Strength and Balance. Our physical therapists always strive to optimize quality of life and bring high quality physical therapy to patient. We also offer a wide range of physical therapy services to get you back to doing the things you love. Our goal is to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life goals.

If you want to reach out and schedule, call us at 239-777-1683 or request an appointment online. We look forward to helping get you where you want to be.

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